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"Get Hooked on North Dakota"

South Jersey Anglers

Group Info:

Name:  South Jersey Anglers


Group consist of fishermen and women who live in the South Jersey area. Topics should include locatation, species and baits uses. Remember to take a kid fishing. Not only is it fun but you can teach them catch and release to preserve our hobby for years to come.


Planning a take a kid fishing day. Day will be announced as members join group.


Thomas Patterson

Andrew Ryan


Mike Brennan

Richard Zacamy

Mike Biagi

Al Mauriello

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


08/08/08 10:04 PM
Tom, the take a kids fishing take sounds great. Lets set a date for next spring and have prizes to get the kids really interested. Kind of like what Hank Parker does on Versus. Laurel Pond in Mt Laurel has great shore line access maybe that whould be a good site. Any thoughts?

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Aug 08, 2008

Type: Public
Visibility: NJ
# Members: 7
Views: 16916

Join This Group

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