A-1 Fishing Report

4.5 Rating based on 2 Reviews

First Time Out This Year

Went to A-1 for the first time ever on my first trip out this year. Real slow day but right at the end I got a decent one. This place looks promising I'm definately gonna take out my Jon boat here this year

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  • Absolutely, you must fish the place. I fished it twice last year and did OK both times. The stumps are truly a PITA though. And the second time I was there I arrived really really early, and was about the 10th boat on the water. Still ended up with a full bag but it took some work.

  • I figured I try it out I've heard of some hogs in that place. All though I've also heard that it is over fished and crowded. Worth a shot ya know.

  • It's a pretty compelling place, no doubt. But it gets REALLY crowded and there are so many other good places to fish. Congrats on getting a fish.

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