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"Get Hooked on North Dakota"

Eastern Mass Bassholes

Group Info:

Name:  Eastern Mass Bassholes


Find friends to fish with, discuss your favorite locations, hot spots, times, and presentations. Etc. Within the South Shore, North Shore, Cape Cod, and Bristol County areas.


Our numbers are starting to climb guys! Keep it up!


Dale Adams

Dale Adams

Tim Aponte

Darrin Smith

Brad Codkind

Mike dixon

Gary Roberts

Roy Durant

Rob Kizelewicz

mike carreaux

Lucas Sullivan

Jessica Regalado

Andrew Parisi

gage regan

dave parisi

Mike Lynch

paul desousa

Matt Nestor

Alex Cantrell

Nate Quinn

zach lebrun

zach lebrun

J.R. Santiago

Mike Sullivan

Mark Mohan Jr

View all 52 members

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12/31/14 10:22 AM
ill be out today, tomorrow and sunday.

caught a chunky 3lbser last weekend

10/23/14 01:00 PM
Hi guys - as I have in-laws in North Quincy, I thought I check out some local spots during my visits... are there any decent shore fishing spots on Ponkapoag Pond?

10/23/14 12:48 PM
Hi guys - as I have in-laws in North Quincy, I thought I check out some local spots during my visits... are there any decent shore fishing spots on Ponkapoag Pond?

05/26/14 11:14 AM
Perfect time to hit the water! Fresh bass coming up to spawn in beds and saltwater stripers are coming in! Schoolies soon cows!


lets meet up! brews/fish/tournys

05/19/14 09:11 AM
The bite is on!! Was thinking of trying to get a few people together and maybe have a tournament. anyone be interested?

04/19/14 11:18 PM
Yep, I've been having luck at a few places. Mostly fishing Chatterbaits, Jigs, and some smaller Swimbaits. The fish are coming into the shallows now, sunning themselves before spawn.

04/19/14 07:00 PM
Took my nephew fishing tonight he caught the biggest bass

04/18/14 04:16 PM
Anyone one been having any luck?

04/13/14 07:56 AM
Hey guys new to the site!!! Out in the Pembroke area trying to get that big one. Good luck guys

08/14/13 10:07 AM
Just joined. Looking to find some good shore fishing near Metrowest region. Also some good spots to drop a canoe would be appreciated. Been fishing heard pond, lake cochituate, the sud, the charles, but no monsters for me yet this season. couple 2+ lb'ers at morses pond in wellesley. Will post my trips soon!

07/23/13 01:10 AM
Hey all! Anyone alive out there? :D

02/19/13 10:52 AM
Hey guys, in case anyone reads this, it's been a long time since I've posted, been busy with Military obligations. With that said I have more Military obligations next week, I'll be shipping to Texas until the middle of May. So when I get back, plenty of fishing! Tight lines guys. Take it easy.

08/25/12 10:32 PM
Hit up Gallows Pond today, posted the trip guys, check it out!

08/21/12 10:28 PM
Went to Manchester Pond Reservoir this past weekend, 5 larrys and 3 sallys. Also hit up Maquan, 3 larrys and a pickerel. Posted a trip called M&M Sunday. Check it out!

08/07/12 10:43 PM
Went to Monponsett today, caught 1 dink. Went to Maquan, caught 6 decent fish haha. Monponsett just doesn't produce like it used to, due to the algae bloom and over fishing.

08/06/12 11:54 PM
Hey guys haven't posted in a while! Been busy! I myself had a bit of a dry spell recently. A few dinks here and there the past 2-3 weeks, but just today managed to catch a couple of good ones at Maquan Pond in Hanson. Kind of a secret spot, so keep it on the down low :P haha, glad to see everyone is doing better than me fish wise. Hopefully hitting up Monponsett Lakes tomorrow after work.

08/06/12 06:31 PM
Me and big Darrin hit tispaquin 8/4/2012 for the second week in a row an wasnt as good as the week before but I was able to snag my biggest large mouth to date @ 2lbs. not huge but I was mad happy(just started bass fishing this year)

08/03/12 10:51 PM
Thats in my range just might give it A try.Thanks!!!!!!

08/02/12 08:23 AM
Ive been going over to hobarts pond in whitman ma. And its been producing a lot of good bass. 2 4+ pounders and some 2-3 pounders.

07/31/12 03:21 PM
Good to hear about Tispaquin. Will put that one on my short list.

07/29/12 08:42 AM
Tispaquin was A success 6 bass.4lb,3.5 and some 1lbers. not much shore fishing but I would recomend stoppin in.

07/24/12 05:05 AM
Sounds good,I've been stoppin in stetson pond,sampson and any place open enough to cast .This weekend will be @ tispaquin on my boat with mcarr.Hopefully better results than @ the nip .thanks for info and good luck.

07/23/12 01:09 PM
Oh, and I almost forgot! My two hometown Hanover favorites. Factory Pond and Luddams Ford Park!

07/23/12 12:59 PM
Hey Darrin! Idk about the other people in the group, but myself; dapar321 and regan91 we all fish together, and its almost always shore fishing. Occasionally we drop a canoe in the water but we fish almost entirely from shore! My top 5 shore fishing spots are Jacobs Pond, Norwell MA - Gallows Pond, Plymouth MA - Oldham Pond, Pembroke MA, Furnace Pond, Pembroke MA - Manchester Pond Resevoir, N. Attleboro MA. There are plenty of others we shore fish as well, but those are some good spots that produce nice fish regularly.

07/23/12 06:36 AM
Hey guys whats up? I just wondering if you guys are shore fishing these spots.I usually try to hit several spots that way.Sometimes its tough to find good shore spots.

07/22/12 11:58 AM
15 members! This is awesome guys! Yea I hit up 2 different locations last night on Saturday. Furnace Pond and Gallows, nothing at either except a 2lb 1 ounce Smallmouth at Gallows that dapar321 caught. Always next time though!

07/21/12 11:26 AM
hey guys whats mcarr and i fished the nip today and no action .maybe tispaquin next good variety of fish there.

07/20/12 07:57 AM
Hey every one, I used to catfish a lot with my pops when I was young(9-15). I just started getting into bass fishing recently thx to big Darrin really am getting into it. Still learning all the techniques an basics. I fish the Bristol county mostly taunt on haven't really got out of the area yet. But looking forward to exploring spots and catch the big one lol

07/20/12 01:09 AM
Wow 13 members! Welcome Darrin! Yea definitely try Oldham, Furnace, or Little Sandy in Pembroke. Plymouth's great spots are Long Pond, Gallows Pond, Great Herring Pond, etc. Plenty of honey holes around the Plymouth County area.

07/19/12 09:56 AM
I also fish this part of the state.Alot of tourneys are just out of my way. maybe try some round here. I live in the nip practicaly.But also do pembroke ,plymouth and lots of other spots in plymouth county.live in raynham

07/16/12 10:21 PM
Posted another trip at Gallows! "Splashin' in at Gallows Pond"

07/15/12 12:13 AM
Hey Matt! Welcome, and yea definitely we'll most definitely try and get some "Eastern Mass Bassholes" member trips going! We just posted a trip me and Regan91 went on this Saturday the 14th. Check it out! Titled (Great Day at Gallows & Jacobs)

07/14/12 10:49 AM
Hey guys and gals,
I'm a new member to MAFF but have been fishing the south shore my whole life. I fish various SS spots pretty much every night after work. Would love to meet up with some fellow members and hit the water some night. Shoot me a message if you're interested!

07/11/12 10:07 PM
Anyone ever try or have these lures? Lol looks like a good lure, just kind of a lame video haha.


07/11/12 09:41 PM
Saw your pics Paul! Looks like it was a great afternoon for you!

07/11/12 08:42 PM
nice 2.5lb bass tonight. Been heading out at dusk and fishing shiners or rubber worms within 15 feet of shore.

07/07/12 11:11 PM
Posted the trip and pics from the 7th outting! Check it out!

07/06/12 09:09 PM
Heading out to either Jacobs, Halfway, or Oldham tomorrow. Saturday the 7th. Will definitely let everyone know how it went with pics and of course a trip update! Tight lines guys!

07/04/12 10:38 PM
Did a short Jacobs Pond 4th outing ourselves today, trip is up! Take a look!

07/04/12 12:30 PM
Went fishing in the rain had a good morning posted trip.

07/01/12 10:51 PM
Just created the trip of Jacobs and Oldham from 6/30. Pics are up as well!

07/01/12 05:44 PM
Hit up Jacobs, and Oldham yesterday. Went to Fearing in Myles Standish today. Pics to follow tonight.

06/30/12 10:40 PM
Yea, we've been meaning to head up north towards you to fish the Charles. What are the hotspots around there? Or is it luck of the draw?

06/29/12 10:22 PM
I'm currently in Dedham so I fish the areas just below Boston and on occasion further south. Lots of Charles River, Canton Res, etc. but meaning to get further south soon

06/28/12 06:46 PM
Pics from todays trip are posted! Check out my photos on my page

06/28/12 05:25 PM
We didn't do too well at Halfway sadly. Caught a couple of Pickerel and a Snapping Turtle haha. Which was surprising for how clean the water was, I thought Snappers preferred murkier/weedier waters, guess not. We did manage to hook up nicely at Jacobs though. Pics to come in a sec.

06/28/12 05:22 AM
I truly am a basshole now!

06/28/12 03:29 AM
Halfway pond has some nice smallmouth bass, try fishing a senko around by the house off to the right of the parking area. Get there early parking is limited!

06/27/12 11:23 PM
Heading to Halfway Pond in Plymouth tomorrow at 10am. I'll let everyone know how we do!

06/27/12 11:16 PM
Welcome new comers!

06/25/12 09:57 PM
Welcome Rob!

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Date Established:
Jun 25, 2012

Type: Public
Visibility: MA
# Members: 52
Views: 25719

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