Charles River Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 4 Reviews

Charles River X2 & Ponki

Had the opportunity to get out on the water the last two weeks. Fished back to back days 5/28 & 5/29. Got skunked on the Charles River at Nahanton Park on my first Yak trip of the spring. Threw the kitchen sink out, but no much going on. It was hot and mid day which normally isn't a great recipe for success. That spot has never been great for me in the past, but is close to home in a pinch. Next day took a buddy out in my canoe to Ponki. It was another hot mid day trip. With young kids fishing between pick up and drop off is my new norm! My buddy hadn't fished in ten years had a blast. He was a rookie so I figured old faithful would work for him - Red/White Daredevil. I thought he would get into some slimdarts for sure using that at Ponki and he did. He caught 6 darts, and one very large Perch. I caught 6 picks(4 pretty solid in size), and 3 bass. I am yet to have a great bass day at Ponki. Used vareity of soft platics wacky and T rigged, then some large spinners, but the most productive for bass was 4 inch green grub. 1 Keeper bass and two little guys. To me the "P" in Ponkapoag is for Pickeral. I do enjoy catching them to break the ice early in a trip, but after a few I am ready for Bass only! Still love fishing that pond. 6/5 went back out on the Charles River in the Canoe right off the VFW in Westie and took it a few miles. Action was slow ealry. 109 bridge normally has a few LMB ready to bite. Missed a good hit on Orange flake six inch Senko early pitching it Wacky. Switched to a Brushog for a while without much succes. Kept seeing heaving action in shallows and came up on some huge Carp. That section was loaded with Carp. Saw about 25 plus carp. Went back to the green grub and caught a solid Crappie, and two picks. Missed a on a few nice hits which felt like bass. Finally under a tree caught a nice 3.5 LMB. Great battle from the Canoe and was happy to get my first good bass of the season. My boat mate landed 1.5 LMB on white rappala minnow and a few picks. Not a ton of action on the day, but a few nice fish. Water seemed a bit low and pads are just really starting to form in that sections so frogs weren't getting much action.

  • Added By: beaconcoach13 on 06/08/15 09:13 PM
  • Location: Charles River
  • Report Date: 6/5/2015
  • # of Photos: 1
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